Friday 18 May 2012

Silent Wood - part one is finally released

Silent wood - part one was finally released to the world on Saturday 12th May.
The 8 track album (8 tracks, not 8-track) is our first release in nearly three years and we're now pleased enough with the final result to let you hear it.

The 8 tracks are:

  1. Unfurl
  2. Cathedral of Trees
  3. Ultraviolet & Insects
  4. Cool Shade for JPJ
  5. Stomata
  6. Autumn's Decay
  7. Chlorophyll
  8. Botany for Beginners
Initially only available through a few independent online stores, it's now, in less than a week available through iTunes (all territories),,, Rhapsody, myspace music, spotify and many, many more places online.

It's not currently available on CD, but we have plans to release as a special hand-made artwork version with some signatures and perhaps a couple of extras for this release only - more to follow.

We're also pleased to announce this week that Cool Shade for JPJ had reached No.1 on in both the overall and electronica charts by mid-week.

For those of you that have been waiting for this for some time, we hope you enjoy and will be pleased to know that we're already a big chunk of the way through the production of Silent Wood - part two.

Not only that, but we've been invited to take part in a special musical project. We can't tell you anything more at this point in time, but as soon as we're able, you'll be first to know.

Sunday 8 January 2012

Noisehead - Top Featured Artist

We've started 2012 being Noiseheads top featured artist on the 8th January.

Mixing for the new album is still happening - more news very soon...

Monday 14 November 2011

Noisehead - Top Featured Artist

Tomorrow (15th November 2011) A Pyxie Worm will be Noiseheads Top Featured Artists.

It's incredible the support that we've had from all the listeners on - thank you to everyone that's listened and voted on our music..

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Lost in the Woods

Some people have been asking us what has happened to our forthcoming album, Silent Wood. Well, it is still due for release and we are nearly there.

Lately, we've had to spend less time in the Wormery as our day jobs – yes we do have day jobs – have kept us rather busy with commitments that bring in the cash and pay the bills. That said, we have been longing to get back to completing Silent Wood.

So far much of the composition is finished and all that remains is the mixing and production to hone the sounds into the album which we hope will give you much listening pleasure.
We don't want to give too much away as to just what those sounds will be, but we think it is still very much the A Pyxie Worm that you've come to know but with the added benefit of time that has allowed us to mature and grow.

We were inspired to make the sounds when we were out in nature one day – a place we love to be – and felt humbled by everything around us. After walking along a vast beach on the Norfolk coast we scrambled over the dunes and into a woodland where the tall trees surrounding us enveloped us in a quiet bubble. No longer could we hear any people, dogs barking or the waves crashing on the shore – it was just the peace we needed. Sometimes you need to experience silence to be able to properly hear once more…

…and a little book, perhaps, has shaped the album too.
It's very old, published in 1896, and was printed to teach young scholars all about the life and science of plants.
Botany for Beginners, now that's a good name for a track ;-)

Thursday 25 August 2011


We're currently compiling our blog from the many, many other places that we appear over the web, so please bear with us as we bring as many things together in to one place as we can.

There's also work going on over at our website - our old site is currently showing, but our new improved site will be going live to coincide with the launch of our new album - Silent Wood.

Come back soon to see some more.

Noisehead - Featured Electronic Artist

Tomorrow - 26th August, A Pyxie Worm will be featured electronica artists.

If you've not been over there before, it's worth checking out for some great new artists.

Thanks to everyone that has been over there and voted for our music as you've helped us be constantly in the top 20 (and top 10) electronica artists for more than 3 years!